Full Moon in Capricorn
“Today we are at a threshold of a new era of human evolution which is to see the slow and progressive development of a type of society which will bring together and synthesize the ideals of tribal unanimity and of individual personality. This will represent for the first time the appearance of a truly sound and creative social order, an order based on the free and creative “association” of individuals who have dedicated themselves to a global Purpose.”
The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar
Dane Rudhyar wrote these words in the 1940s, inspired by Capricorn and its influence on the evolution of Humanity as the outer planets transit across the starry sea goat. Perhaps Rudhyar was anticipating the Pluto transit through Capricorn and was hopeful that as a humanity we would get here - to a place of unanimity and individuality. Maybe he, like many astrologers, was wondering what would become of our humanity when Saturn and Pluto made their conjunction in Capricorn in January of 2020. We have a long way to go to achieve living in both compassionate acceptance and agreement as well as in our true, unique, unadulterated, Divine expressions. He did say “the slow and progressive development” - the pot has definitely been stirred, change is in motion, and we will never be, nor could we be, the same as we were pre-pandemic. We can no longer continue on in our slave-like stupors, clocking in for 40 hours a week, maximizing our productivity to prove our worth, and shaming ourselves when we burn out. We have to question the status quo and reinvent it. I’m a little on my soap box right now - but for real, who decided that 40 hours a week was an appropriate and acceptable amount of hours to work? That 40 hours is the minimum amount required in exchange for a respectable, “good” paying job? With mediocre health care, a 401k, and maternity/paternity leave, if you’re really #blessed. Don’t even get me started on work-life balance. Work is life. I know that this is not true for everyone, but it is the reality for the majority of Americans with no clear way out. It’s killing us, physically, emotionally, spiritually… We all deserve a better existence, more time and resources to care for the things that matter - to consume consciously, to create without thought of monetization, to wander aimlessly, to leave space for serendipitous synchronicities…
This Full Moon in Capricorn, I am sensing, is shining light on Pluto’s retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto peaked into Aquarius earlier this year, giving us a preview into some imminent life overhauls, and made his way back to Capricorn last month, forcing us to really make sure we cleared out the useless, neglected junk in the cluttered garages of our souls - so that we are unburdened and ready for some major upleveling (check out where Capricorn is in your chart for clues into where you may need to make a purge). We have to do the work to evolve ourselves for the sake of humanity - this is Capricorn work. Who is the person that you knew you were meant to become before you were born? What can you do to get in touch with your center - the seat of your true nature? How can you take small actions every day to honor the person you most deeply long to be? What fears or beliefs are breeding resistance to diving in head first? We can no longer be in denial or lie to ourselves about what we have to let die and lay on the compost so that it can be transformed and regenerated into something life-giving. It is not easy work, but you are powerful and resilient and you will make it through - this is the way.
These are really uncomfortable times, and likely you are experiencing a lot of interpersonal irritations as we all sort through our tired, toxic ways of living and relating… We are going through major growing pains as a humanity, and it’s not happening gracefully. Recognize when you get triggered, take deep breaths, and really dig in and figure out what is really going on. The sooner you own your sh*t, the sooner you can move onward and upward.
“We envision a future society in which every individual attempts to courageously and in utter self-sacrifice perform the creative act of positive participation in the building of the new global society.”
The Lost Writings of Dane Rudhyar
And so it is.
Stay kind, stay curious, stay true to YOU. Sending so much love.